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20th September 2025
Tegernsee Valley, Germany
On September 15, 2023, the TECH Forum took place for the first time in a picturesque setting and with Bavarian flair at Lake Tegernsee.
After the coronavirus years, this was a fitting and promising return to physical TECH events.
As a hybrid event, in addition to the 300 guests on site at Gut Kaltenbrunn, over 2000 participants worldwide also took part via the live broadcast - a success that truly overcame virtual boundaries and allowed us to look to a future of technology and innovation.
Thanks to translation into English and the cooperation of employees worldwide, all barriers, including linguistic ones, were overcome.
The European Technology Chamber (EUTECH) is excited to announce the top achievers who are dedicated to meeting the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). With 17 winners, one for each SDG, this is a chance to recognize innovative solutions to problems plaguing humanity & the planet.
You think success, we think impact!
We can’t wait to showcase the achievements of passionate companies and their projects who are making a difference in the world. Congratulations to all the finalists and let’s continue to work together towards a more sustainable world! Join us at the ceremony as we celebrate their achievements.
Hear from leaders redefining AI, Platform Building & renewable energy
EUTECH’s mission is to use advanced and reliable technology to help achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations. As our vision statement goes: Technology Obliges, we believe with great technology comes great responsibility and we will realize the mission through joining hands with our fellow tech innovators, industry leaders, policy makers and the community and society in general.
The EUTECH is a neutral not-for-profit organization. We firmly believe in treating our members, partners and employees with the utmost respect, fairness and integrity to create a cordial environment for growth and progress towards a sustainable world.
Our advocates are leaders in the field of technology who support our vision and mission of encouraging sustainable development. They are the members of our chamber and enjoy exclusive services provided by the chamber.
Join us directly through the following link:
Register directly at https://tech.forum/forum-dashboard/ to become a Trial Advocate
Contact us via email info@eutec.org for more information
Through our multifunctional networking programs, we help to create awareness and dialogue among technology leaders to develop advanced solutions for the challenges faced in achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Advocates can connect with a vast network of 50,000 companies for business growth, matchmaking, events hosting, speakers’ access, becoming a speaker and taking advantage of our AI matchmaking tool besides applying for subsidies, grants and other EUTECH programs.
For further information about benefits of advocates, click below:
Contact our Director Partnerships & Institutional Relations
info@eutec.org for further information
Tech.forum is a multifunctional networking, matchmaking and online hosting platform developed by EUTECH which connects you to companies worldwide. Tech.forum boasts a huge network of companies, of whom, 90% are company CEOs/COOs, managers and decision makers. You can access expert speakers, become a speaker, host events, make virtual booths for private networking, be a part of events, seminars and conferences.
Experience a technology-focused event unlike any other, where, over the course of 3 days, experts lead panels, presentations and discussion.
Clark Court Dearborn 00567 Heights Street Aley, MI 48127 /F